Our Team

Emily Glover, CEO & Heart Warrior Mom

In addition to being the CEO and Co-Founder of AMHF, Emily is a Social Worker. Emily received her bachelor of Social work through Grand Valley State University and is currently working on her Master of Social Work through the University of Michigan. She has a diverse professional background that includes working in child welfare, early education, hospice, real estate, and customer service. She has been involved in many fundraising campaigns before starting AMHF to support the CHD community. Her dream is to work with CHD pediatric patients and their families, be an agent of change for equality in healthcare, and, of course, raise funds to support promising research for the single ventricle population.

Justin Glover, CFO, Heart Warrior Dad

In addition to being CFO and Co-Founder of AMHF, Justin is a prominent real estate agent in the Grand Rapids, MI area. Before AMHF became an approved non-profit, Justin and Emily threw the Mediocre Hearts Charity Golf Outing through his chapter of the Mediocre Golf Association. The success of the outing encouraged the Glovers that making the outing an annual event and taking the step of forming a non-profit was indeed a possibility. Justin oversees the financial department of AMHF and assists with the planning and implementation of events and campaigns.

  • Janna Romero

    Secretary of the Board & Health Liaison

    Janna is a registered nurse with Spectrum hospitals. As well as being the board secretary, she also acts as a health liason. She uses her experience and knowledge as a Registered Nurse, her experience with management, and her connections with local hospitals to the team!

  • Kelli Reppart

    Educational Programs, Board Member

    Kelli has a background in Art Education. She is a creative individual who understands the mechanics of putting together a presentation. As well as being a board member, she will be organizing educational and awareness campaigns. She brings her creativity, passion for the cause to the team!

  • "Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision. The ability to direct individual accomplishments toward organizational objectives. It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results." – Andrew Carnegie